Maria T. Bailey is an award-winning author, radio talk show host, nationally known speaker and the foremost marketing authority on marketing to moms. Her company, BSM Media is a full service marketing
and media firm that specializes in marketing to mothers. The client lists includes Disney, Cartoon Network, Nestle, Precious Moments and Disney World Wide Parks and Resorts. She has been an invited presenter
to Burger King, Coca Cola, Best Buy, Wal-Mart and many other major corporations. Her book, "Marketing to Moms: Getting Your Piece of the Trillion Dollar Market" (2002, Prima) was the first to examine the buying power of mothers and the most effective marketing initiatives to tap the $1.7 trillion market. Maria's newest book, "Trillion Dollar Moms: Marketing to a New Generation of Mothers" (Dearborn, 2005) focuses
on the emergence of Gen X and Gen Y moms and how they compare with the aging Boomer Mom segment. Her newest book, "Mom 3.0" will be released in 2008. Maria is also the host of Mom Talk Radio, Host of The Balancing Act on Lifetime TV and co-Founder of Newbaby.com.
Ms. Bailey is a resource for national media such as the British Broadcasting Corporation, CNBC, World News Tonight, Hearst Publications, "The Home Show", WPLG ABC 10, The NetFinancial News Network, The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Self, Smart, O Magazine, Oprah's Fitness Magazine, Money, Parent, HomeChannel News and Entrepreneur. She and her company have been featured in the Women's Day, Money, Chicago Tribune, the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Miami Herald, Philadelphia Inquirer, Denver Post, the Salt Lake City Tribune, NBC 6-Miami, CBS4-South Florida, WCBS-12 New York, WABC New York and the Tampa Tribune, as well as on hundreds of local radio and television shows.